
MCHR to host Jorge Parra, Colombian leader of ASOTRECOL, Oct 4

Date: Oct 4th 2015, 1-3pm  |  Fundraisers  |  News

Jorge Parra, the leader of ASOTRECOL (Association of Injured Workers and Ex-Workers of GM Columbia), is returning to Detroit.

He and his fellow workers just completed 4 years of their encampment at the US embassy in Bogota, protesting GM’s criminal behavior towards its workers.

Kalamazoo College recently selected ASOTRECOL as one of ten finalists for its 2015 Global Prize for Transformative Social Justice Leadership*. The winner, to be announced in Kalamazoo on Saturday, Oct 10, will receive $25,000.

MCHR proudly announces a welcoming reception on Sunday October, 4th from 1:00-3:00 pm at Swords Into Plowshares Peace Center & Gallery (33 E Adams, Detroit- free parking off Woodward).

At our 2013 Annual Dinner,  Jorge Parra received the “International Labor Activist” award. He will report on the successes and challenges of the ex-GM workers’ 4-year encampment at the US Embassy.

HEAR about ASOTRECOL’s enduring struggle that is exposing the epidemic of fired, injured workers all over Colombia and the toothless “labor protections” of the US-Columbia FTA!

SEE 10 minute video documentary (Google: “injured GM workers of ASOTRECOL 2015”)

GIVE a one minute video about what ASOTRECOL has meant to you.

CELEBRATE their just stand for the rights of workers injured on the job

DONATE much needed funds to help sustain the ASOTRECOL encampment! Can’t attend? Please donate online at

* The Kalamazoo College Global Prize awards $25,000 to an innovative and transformative social justice leadership project from around the world. The competition honors and uplifts grassroots work that challenges structural inequality and centers the voices of those most impacted by an injustice.